Josh Weihnacht
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Games & Experiments
The Game Of Life Web Site  |  Sept 1998

Perhaps the best known example [of cellular automation] is the game " Life," in which each cell can have one of two values - say, "black" or "white" - and the sequence of states is determined by three simple rules, called "birth," "death," and "survival." The game can produce an amazing variety of patterns. Some of them "move"; others remain stable; yet other patterns oscillate or behave in more complex manners.

-Fritjof Capra

Rules for the Game of Life

a cell with a dot is "alive"
a cell without a dot is "dead"

each turn:
1) a live cell that touches one or less other live cells dies from isolotion
2) a live cell that touches exactly two or three other live cells lives
3) a live cell that touches four or more other live cells dies from overpopulation
4) a dead cell that touches exactly three live cells is born (becomes a live cell)


Directions for this Program

Click on the "Next Generation" button to see the state of the board next turn.
Click on a "dead" cell to make it "alive."
Click on a "live" cell to make it "dead.""